Returns the color table of the WinGBitmap currently selected into a WinGDC.
UINT WinGGetDIBColorTable( HDC hWinGDC, UINT StartIndex, UINT NumberOfEntries, RGBQUAD far *pColors )
hWinGDC | Identifies the WinG device context whose color table should be retrieved. |
StartIndex | Indicates the first palette entry to be retrieved. |
NumberOfEntries | Indicates the number of palette entries to retrieve. |
pColors | Points to a buffer which receives the requested color table entries. |
Return Value
Returns the number of palette entries copied into the given buffer or 0 if it failed.
The pColors buffer must be at least large enough to hold NumberOfEntries RGBQUAD structures.
Note that StartIndex indicates an entry in a palette array, which is zero-based. NumberOfEntries indicates a one-based count. If NumberOfEntries is zero, no color table entries will be retrieved.
WinGGetDIBColorTable will return 0 for WinGBitmaps with more than 8 bits per pixel.
See Also