Balloon Doggie Sample

The Balloon Doggie sample application, found in the SAMPLES\DOGGIE subdirectory of the WinG development kit, demonstrates a simple dirty rectangle animation system. It creates a WinGDC and a WinGBitmap, which it uses as an off-screen buffer, and uses WinGBitBlt to update the screen.

Balloon Doggie includes source code for TransparentDIBits (in TBLT.C and FAST32.ASM), a fast DIB-to-DIB blt with transparency. TransparentDIBits demonstrates the use of custom drawing routines with WinG to provide functions not present or unacceptably slow in GDI.

Note that DOGGIE.EXE requires MASM 5.1 compatibility to compile FAST32.ASM. If you do not own MASM 5.1, use MASM 6.x with the /Zm option or link to the precompiled FAST32.OBJ, included with the DOGGIE sample.