WinG Timing Sample

The timing sample, TIMEWING.EXE, found in the SAMPLES\TIMEWING subdirectory of the WinG development kit, times and compares the blt and stretching speeds of StretchBlt, StretchDIBits, and WinGStretchBlt. The application provides a summary you can use to compare the speeds of these techniques on various video configurations and a framework you can use for your own timing tests.

Note that StretchDIBits and WinGStretchBlt operate on device-independent bitmaps whereas StretchBlt and BitBlt operate on device-specific bitmaps, which require no translation and can sometimes be stored in the local memory of the graphics card itself.

Timewing.exe can be built as a Win32 app by compiling with the timewing.m32 makefile. You may need to modify timewing.m32 for your compiler environment.