WinG Glossary

Bottom-Up DIB: A DIB in which the first scan line in memory corresponds to the bottommost scanline when the DIB is displayed. This is the standard Windows DIB format.

Color Table: The table of RGB color values referenced by a color-indexed DIB.

Dirty Rectangle Animation: A double-buffering technique in which only the areas on the screen which have changed are updated from frame to frame.

Double Buffering: An animation technique in which images are composed entirely off-screen then copied in whole or in part to the display.

Halftone Palette: An identity palette carefully filled with an array of colors optimized for dithering images to 8 bits per pixel.

Halftoning: A technique for simulating unavailable colors using special patterns of available colors. Also called dithering.

Identity Palette: A logical palette that is a 1:1 match to the system palette.

Logical Palette: A palette object created by an application using the CreatePalette function.

Palette: A table of RGB colors associated with a GDI Device Context.

Palette Animation: An animation technique in which palette entries are shifted to create the appearance of movement.

Static Colors: Reserved colors in the system palette that ordinarily can't be changed by an application. Under normal circumstances, twenty colors are so reserved.

System Colors: The colors used by Windows to draw captions, menu bars, text, and other Windows display elements.

System Palette: A copy of the hardware device palette maintained by the Palette Manager.

Top-Down DIB: A DIB in which the first scan line in memory corresponds to the topmost scanline when the DIB is displayed.

WinGBitmap: A special HBITMAP with a DIB as its drawing surface created for use in a WinGDC.

WinGDC: A device context with a DIB as its drawing surface.